Sunday 22 September 2013

Understand principles of interactive media authoring

What does Jordedia do?

Joredia, founded in 2013 by Jordan Colton is a company that specialises in creating interactive multimedia authoring products for all kinds of businesses.

What is Interactive multimedia authoring?

Animation and games which would be beneficial to products and services on computer based systems that respond to user actions which could be the touch of a screen or the movement of the users body by presenting information such as pictures, videos, audio.
Interactive multimedia products can be used for many different purposes including:
Educational software could be used in such things as museums to educate children. about a specific event or item.
       Provide entertainment
Such things as games which are interactive can also be entertaining.
If advertisement is interactive then this will help for a message which would benefit the company to stick in the users head.
Interactive multimedia can also be used to train somebody for a job as such things as questionnaires can be interactive and contain multimedia which would help for the user to understand the correct answer.
Interactive multimedia can be used to be also simulate situations as it requires the users actions in order to simulate different situations. Simulations could also be used for training purposes.

Interactive multimedia can be delivered in many different formats. Some of the formats include:
Games on the web or questionnaires. Mouse actions on the web may be the control method.
      CD/DVD ROM
Little children especially may use these or game show games on DVD where you are given some multimedia and then have to name what that multimedia was. Most likely controlled through a press of a button.
      Museums especially may use multimedia kiosks to inform in an interesting way other than just text and then no need to employ somebody as this does their job. The control method of a kiosk at a museum could be from a touch on the screen or buttons on the screen.
      Interactive TV
SMART TVS require body movements in order to complete a task.
      Mobile devices
Increasing use of apps and games on mobile devices. Control method usually in the form of a touch on the touch screen on the device.


Benefits of multimedia products

There are many different benefits for multimedia products and different people will have different benefits depending on the uses that they need it for. The generic benefits of multimedia products are as follows:
The ability to move around and learn at the same time as actions of the body can trigger multimedia to appear.
The more interactive the multimedia is the more interesting it becomes to learn for young students etc.
If something is more accessible then this could suggest that the product is easier to use especially with it being interactive.
       Targets a set audience
Can target a specific audience for example the difficulty could be changed for little children which could help them to learn.

Disadvantages of multimedia products

With advantages also comes disadvantages.  Some disadvantages or multimedia products are as follows:
·         Size
The size of multimedia products are often very large due to the amount of content that is associated with the product as multimedia products may contain images, videos and audio files all in the same product. This content is large on its own so together the size is very large.
·         Download time
With a large file size this will therefore mean that the time taken to download the product will increase. This could be a problem for the museum if it was required to be opened instantly. Instead it would have to be downloaded in advance of it being used.
·         Type of content
The content of multimedia products such as video, audio and images may not always be compatable on all computers and will take a while to load meaning they may not always work. The museum will require the product to work however if this is something they have paid for.
·         Requirement for plug-ins
Plug ins may be required to enable the product to work. This adds to download times as the plug in needs to be downloaded and takes up further memory space. This makes the whole file size very very large.

Software tools that Jordedia use

Adobe Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver can be used to create and format a webpage along with organising and managing a website whilst it is published. If we were to create a multimedia webpage then this is a software tool that we would likely use.
The strengths of Dreamweaver is as follows:
+        Code highlighting
+        Code suggestion
+        Code and design view
+        Code validation and accessibility checks
+        Properties bar and insert images
+        Find and replace function
+        File manager
+        Dreamweaver templates
+        Tabs and connected files
The limitations of Dreamweaver are as follows:
-          Confusing interface
-          Hard to learn the first time
-          Code is overly complicated
-          Code is broad and not specific
-          Not in full control of code
-          10% is only useful of its full capability
-          Expensive
At Jordedia we chose to use Dreamweaver as a software tool because our staff have a good knowledge of the software which will enable us to use our knowledge to the best of our ability. We also believe that the end product created by Dreamweaver is very professional looking.  Multimedia components can also be added to the site using Dreamweaver. Another reason why we like to use Dreamweaver is because once the product has been created using this software it can still be managed and organised using the same software.

Mediator is a multimedia authoring tool that allows you to create interactive CD-ROM presentations, dynamic HTML pages and Flash projects. 
The strengths of Mediator are as follows:
+        No code or script
+        Ribbon based interface
+        Easy to use for nearly everyone
+        Multiple users can work on the same project
The limitations of Mediator are as follows:
-          inconsistencies between the preview and finished product
-          Expensive
As you may be able to see there aren’t many limitations that we could find with mediator which is a strength within itself. We really like using mediator as it is a simple yet effective software to use to create CD-ROM presentations, HTML pages and Flash projects.

Alternative software tools that Jordedia don’t use

Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash Professional is a multimedia authoring program used to create content for the Adobe Engagement Platform, such as web applications, games and movies, and content for mobile phones and other embedded devices.
The reason why we don’t use Flash is because our staff aren’t as confident with Flash and we believe that Mediator is easier to use and provides a similar if not better final product.
Adobe Director
With Adobe Director you can create and publish interactive games and eLearning courses for the web, iOS devices, Mac and windows desktops, DVDs, and CDs.
Our staff at Jordedia haven’t got much or any experience at using Adobe director so that’s one of the reasons why we don’t use it. We also don’t produce many Ios products so therefore don’t have any need to use this software as everything else that can be done with this software can be done on the software we do use. If we were requested to make an ios product then we may turn to this software to help us produce this.

The production process in detail

·         Planning
When a customer comes to Jordedia we sit with them and Plan exactly what they want and how we will do this. The planning may include what software will be used and what people will do what jobs. The planning might consider problems they may come across and how they will attempt to overcome this.
·         Designing
At Jordedia we will continue to sit with the customer and keep them updated at what we want to do and see what they would like. The designing stage will attempt to possibly create a prototype of what the final product may look like. This stage is very much based on how the product will look to those who will use it. Some code may be created at this stage to help for when the product is created.
·         Creating
The creating stage is the production stage where the product is actually made. Different people may be working on different parts and then once they have all been created they will all be put together to create the final product. The code will be highly produced here and the interface of the product will be created and once everything has been put together the product should be finished.
·         Testing
Testing is the stage where Jordedia will make sure that the product made in the creation stage is ready to be released to the customer. The product will be ready once everything actually works together as we will not want to sell something that does not work as the company’s reputation may be affected.
·         Evaluating
Evaluating may take place once the product has or has not been released to the customer. This stage enables Jordedia to see how well the job was done. How certain tasks were done so that the methods can be used in the future if there is similar requirements.

Examples of interactive multimedia authoring

Below is a product that has been created by Actionmedia. This interactive media product allows the user to adapt the colours of the walls and floor so that it simulates the environment of the users home which would allow them to see how the sofa would look that room.

Interactive solutions
Below is a product of interactive solutions. This website was created by interactive solutions for switch marketing. The site is interactive and contains multimedia because when the website is launched there is a man that moves and talks and then pauses to enable the visitor to press play if they wish him to continue. There is also the interactivity of enabling the visitor to look at the Switch marketing twitter feed and the option to follow them.